
plotify is a simply web application allowing the user to graph XY-plots of a set of functions.

Primary LanguagePython


plotify is a simple web application allowing the user to graph XY-plots of analytical functions. The project was implemented using Flask, my own Reverse Polish Notation library (https://github.com/eryktrzeciakiewicz/expression-calculator) and the Chart.js library.


To properly build this project, you need to have pip, npm and browserify installed.

  1. To quickly install required Python dependencies, run:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Now, to install all the javascript dependencies, run:

     cd static
     npm install
  3. Now, we need to build the front:

     cd static
     cd js
     browserify plot.js -o bundle.js
  4. Now, it't time to run the server:

     python -m flask run