
Search a relational database (e.g. DBLP) using a regular expression on paths from the given vertex.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Search a relational database using a regular expression on paths from the given vertex. Based on an idea by Diego Figueira and Szymon Toruńczyk.


  • a database describing a graph
  • a vertex where we start our search
  • a condition: what kind of vertices are we interested at?
  • what paths from the start vertex to an accepting vertex are allowed, given by a sort-of regular expression

The current version searches DBLP -- for the given author and topic (i.e., a substring of the paper's title) you can find the papers about the topic which are the closest to the author.

Best run with 'make' -- this will download DBLP using wget, run the parser (read-dblp), and then run the program on the sample query (dblp-search < query.txt > query-result.txt).

Query language


value 0 is interpreted as 'false', 1 is interpreted as 'true'; in-between values are interpreted as probabilities

x&y is equivalent to x*y

x|y is equivalent to x+y-x*y

x^y is min(x,y)

  • real constant
  • condition1 (+|-|*|/|&|||^) condition2
  • condition1 (>|<|=|!=|>=|<=) condition2 (returns a 0/1 condition)
  • ! condition (like the ! operator in C)
  • search nameset "string"
  • regexsearch nameset "extended POSIX regex"
  • (exists|forall|sum|prod|min|max) edge condition
  • table


(probably more accurately called instructions)

  • expression; expression
  • if condition then expression else expression
  • while condition do expression
  • edge
  • skip
  • accept
  • reject
  • start condition

DBLP database


authors, papers whichjournal, jpapers whichproc, ppapers

Name sets

authorName, journalName, paperTitle, proceedingsCode


paperYear, paperType

Semantic Scholar database


authors, papers whichvenue, vpapers cites, citedby keyphrases, kpapers

Name sets

authorName, paperTitle, proceedingsCode, venue, keyphrase, paperId, paperAbstract




start search(authorName, "Szymon Torunczyk");
while 0.9 do
  if search(paperTitle, "hyperbolic") then accept
  else (authors; papers);