- 0
Proposal codemod metadata and sourcemaps
#102 opened by Fuzzyma - 0
qs codemod doesnt correctly import picoquery
#100 opened by Fuzzyma - 2
Exposing or codemodding changed packages
#90 opened by 43081j - 0
Add `fs-extra` codemod
#97 opened by walter-0 - 0
Dirty check in array-like codemods is incorrect
#88 opened by 43081j - 1
Replacements and scopes
#80 opened by LarsDenBakker - 1
Implement more advanced codemods
#76 opened by thepassle - 3
Not on npm
#6 opened by fregante - 4
Automatically uninstall packages
#12 opened by camchenry - 9
approaching `define-properties`
#66 opened by andrico1234 - 1
No license
#11 opened by ronanru