
Vagrantfiles for deploying local, testing openshift cluster.


This is vagrant configuration for running VirtualBox vms with 1 master and 2 nodes.


  1. Install vagrant: brew cask install vagrant
  2. Install ansible: brew install ansible
  3. Run vagrant: vagrant up
  4. Configure each vagrant machine /etc/hosts, add these lines: node2 node1 master1
  1. Download repository with openshift-ansible installer: git clone git@github.com:openshift/openshift-ansible.git
  2. Select openshift version for changing branch of openshift-ansible repository, e.g: git checkout release-3.7
  3. Edit inventory/hosts file in openshift-ansible, example checked in repository:

# if your target hosts are Fedora uncomment this
# localhost likely doesn't meet the minimum requirements

master1 ansible_ssh_host= openshift_ip="" openshift_hostname="master1"

master1 ansible_ssh_host= openshift_ip="" openshift_hostname="master1"

master1 ansible_ssh_host= openshift_ip="" openshift_hostname="master1"
node1 ansible_ssh_host= openshift_ip="" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}"
node2 ansible_ssh_host= openshift_ip="" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}"
  1. Install cluster: ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/byo/config.yml
  2. Install oc tool from: https://www.openshift.org/download.html
  3. Modify your systems /etc/hosts to add ip to master1
  4. Login to master1: oc login https://master1:8443 -u admin, type any characters as password.

Ansible playbooks

Create nfs for persistent storage

You can run setup-nfs-server.yml playbook to create nfs share for persistent storage. This playbook creates nfs shares from nfs_dirs variable.

Configure external registry-console

  1. oc expose service registry-console --hostname=registry-console. --name=docker-registry-xip <= this command expose registry using xip.io to be availible outside the cluster
  2. Change TLS to Passthrough
  3. By default oauthclient uses internal registry-console url to redirect after authorization. To change this you need to export registry-console oauthclient and change url.
oc export oauthclients cockpit-oauth-client -o yaml > oauthclient.yaml
  1. Next change redirectURIs to point to https://registry-console.
  2. Apply changes: oc apply -f oauthclient.yaml

Use docker registry from host

  1. expose registry using xip.io domain: oc expose service docker-registry --hostname=docker-registry. --name=docker-registry-xip
  2. Change TLS to Passthrough
  3. login to docker registry docker login -p <pass_from_console_ui> -u unused docker-registry.
  4. Push to registry: docker push docker-registry.


  • create hosts file automatically