
This repository contains modifications on Eclipse classes in order to provide known patches or new functionalities


This repository contains one Eclipse plugin that applies patches for Eclipse RCP and RAP target platforms in order to fix known bugs or improve the behaviour of the platform components.

This plugin -called platform patcher- provides one implementation of the OSGi weaving service which allows to intercept the class loading of certain Java classes and injects the patched binary bytes on-the-fly.

This repository contains different branches for different Eclipse platforms as follows:

  • Branch 3.2.5 - Patches Eclipse RCP 4.4.1 (Luna) and Eclipse RAP 3.4
  • Branch 4.1.0 - Patches Eclipse RCP 4.10 (Eclipse 2018-12) and Eclipse RAP 3.9
  • Branch 4.1.7 - Patches Eclipse RCP 4.10 (Eclipse 2018-12) and Eclipse RAP 3.9, including additional patches

Patches provided by Branch 3.2.5:

Patches provided by Branch 4.1.0:

Patches provided by Branch 4.1.7: