An asynchronous unit test runner for PureScript.
Test-Unit tests are simply
Aff actions, which can
either succeed (test passed) or fail (test did not pass). The type for
these tests is Test e
, which is just an alias for Aff e Unit
The Test.Unit.Assert
module contains a number of functions for
making common assertions. The most straightforward is assert
, which
takes a failure message and a boolean, and if the boolean is true, it
produces a Test
which immediately succeeds. If the boolean is false,
you get a Test
which fails with the provided error message.
Because tests are really just Aff
s, you can perform any Aff
a do block, allowing you to easily test asynchronous code.
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Test.Unit (suite, test, timeout)
import Test.Unit.Main (runTest)
import Test.Unit.Assert as Assert
import Node.FS.Aff as FS
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
main = runTest do
suite "sync code" do
test "arithmetic" do
Assert.assert "2 + 2 should be 4" $ (2 + 2) == 4
Assert.assertFalse "2 + 2 shouldn't be 5" $ (2 + 2) == 5
Assert.equal 4 (2 + 2)
Assert.expectFailure "2 + 2 shouldn't be 5" $ Assert.equal 5 (2 + 2)
suite "async code" do
test "with async IO" do
fileContents <- FS.readTextFile UTF8 "file.txt"
Assert.equal "hello here are your file contents\n" fileContents
test "async operation with a timeout" do
timeout 100 $ do
file2Contents <- FS.readTextFile UTF8 "file2.txt"
Assert.equal "can we read a file in 100ms?\n" file2Contents
Run tests using pulp test
or just
by compiling with --main Test.Main
tests can be run using the functions in the Test.Unit.QuickCheck
module. It exports two functions, quickCheck
and quickCheck'
which work like their QuickCheck counterparts, except they produce
actions so they integrate cleanly with Test-Unit.
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Test.Unit (test)
import Test.Unit.Main (runTest)
import Test.Unit.QuickCheck (quickCheck)
import Test.QuickCheck (Result(), (===))
theCommutativeProperty :: Int -> Int -> Result
theCommutativeProperty a b = (a + b) === (b + a)
main = runTest do
test "the commutative property" do
quickCheck theCommutativeProperty
The Test.Unit.Main.runTest
function will default to simple output of
test results using console.log
test runner). If you're running on
an ANSI colour capable terminal, it will use the
test runner, which gets a little more
Additionally, if Test.Unit.Main.runTest
notices the word tap
on its command line, it will pick the
test runner, which outputs test results
using the TAP format. A number of TAP
consumers are
available on NPM
to transform the test output. For instance, you could install the
tap-spec and run your tests
like this: pulp test tap | tap-spec
You can also specify your own test runner using the
function, which takes a test runner as
its first argument. So, if you want to force the TAP test runner,
instead of main = runTest do ...
you could use main = runTestWith Test.Unit.Output.TAP.runTest do ...
. You could also supply your own
custom test runner - study one of the existing test runners to learn
Copyright 2014 Bodil Stokke
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see