
Freehand - A collaborative whiteboard made with fabric.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A collaborative whiteboard made with Fabric.js.


  • Collaborate with another person in 'real-time' - What you see on one screen is what you see on the other screen simultaneously.
  • Brush with assorted color options
  • Create Text boxes
  • Create Shapes
  • Download the Canvas content with one-click
  • Desktop and Tablet screen responsiveness
  • Can clear the Canvas data from the database by using the 'clear canvas' button.

Tech stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React.js
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Firebase Hosting

Try it live here: https://freehand-e8cc2.web.app/

How to test "Freehand" app

  • Open the live demo website seen above in "Two separete chrome windows" (Press Ctrl + N twice in chrome)
  • Bring the two chrome windows side by side so that each windows content is visible
  • Hit refresh( or F5) on both windows to make it responsive to the current screen size
  • In the 1st chrome window, draw something on the canvas
  • In the 2nd chrome window, you can see that the same content of 1st windows is being displayed (if the content is not being display at first Press "Load" Button)
  • Now both screen's are synced at the same time. Happy scribbling!

Installation guide

  1. npm i - to install dependencies
  2. create a firebase.js file inside 'src' folder
  3. Copy the following code into firebase.js file
import firebase from "firebase";


// Initialize Firebase

export const db = firebase.firestore();

  1. In the given space above, copy and paste the config details of your firebase app.
  2. npm start - to view React app in the browser