Mancala Game(Kalah)


The assignment is implementing Kalah game(or mancala game).Mancala is playing with 2 players.
Every player has their own pits to allowed to play and one House(Kalah). You can find the details of game on
Please note that the Wikipedia article explains 3 and 4-stone Kalah; but this game implemented as 6-stone here. 

Project frameworks :

	Java 1.8
	Spring Boot
	Test RestTemplate Spring

How to run the project.

Import the project to your favorite IDE. Update the project dependencies by maven and find the 
then right click and run the project as Spring Boot app.It will start as a SpringBoot application. 

Additionally, while the project is running the unit tests can be fired from by run this class.


Project made by 2 different Rest services which are creating the game and playing the game. 
You can call these services by Postman or other Rest service caller programs.

1- Creation of the Game:
	This service for initialize a new game structure and return the created newGameId plus gameUrl which is linked to see the created game status.
		Please find the service specifications.
		- End Point			:	http://<host>:<port>/games
		- HTTP Code			:	201 (Created)
		- Request Type		:	POST
		- Response Example	:	{"id": 1001,"uri": "http://localhost:8080/games/1001"}   
									*id is unique game number
									*uri is an end-point linked with created game.  
	2. Making Moves: 			
		The game must play with 2 player and provides multiple games. This service presents to play the game with the pits which are belong to players. Players can play with this service after creation of the game by the service mentioned above.
		Service Specifications.
		-End Point 			: 	http://<host>:<port>/games/{gameId}/pits/{pitId}
		-HTTP Code			:	200 (OK)
		-Request Type		:	Put
		-Response Example	:	{"id": 1002,"uri": "http://localhost:8080/games/1002","status":{
										    "1": "6",
										    "2": "0",
										    "3": "7",
										    "4": "7",
										    "5": "7",
										    "6": "7",
										    "7": "1",
										    "8": "7",
										    "9": "6",
										    "10": "6",
										    "11": "6",
										    "12": "6",
										    "13": "6",
										    "14": "0"
		-Logic : Player1 is the first player of the game and player1 has 1,2,3,4,5,6 pits and the 7th pit is player1's house(kalah).
		 Whereas, player2 has 8,9,10,11,12,13 pits and 14th pit is player2's house(kalah). the player earn extra round who sow the last 
		 stone to his/her own House. Players can play just with changing pitId in order to rules of Kalah by this service.
		 Game ends when a player finish all stones in his/her pits.