
High-performance Contract ABI and RLP for Ethereum

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maven Central Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 jdk1.8+ Java CI GraalVM Maven Gitter

Contract ABI and Recursive Length Prefix made easy for the JVM.

ABI spec: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/abi-spec.html

RLP spec: https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/data-structures-and-encoding/rlp

SHA-256 (headlong-12.3.0.jar): 446daf0f5a616a54ac85fb28f9ef240394471ff34fc89d4b21e939965b5b5962


ABI package

Encoding Function Calls

Function baz = Function.parse("baz(uint32,bool)"); // canonicalizes and parses any signature
// or
Function f2 = Function.fromJson("{\"type\":\"function\",\"name\":\"foo\",\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"complex_nums\",\"type\":\"tuple[]\",\"components\":[{\"name\":\"real\",\"type\":\"fixed168x10\"},{\"name\":\"imaginary\",\"type\":\"fixed168x10\"}]}]}");

Pair<Long, Boolean> bazArgs = Tuple.of(69L, true);
Tuple complexNums = Single.of(new Tuple[] { Tuple.of(new BigDecimal("0.0090000000"), new BigDecimal("1.9500000000")) });

// Two equivalent styles:
ByteBuffer bazCall = baz.encodeCall(bazArgs);
ByteBuffer bazCall2 = baz.encodeCallWithArgs(69L, true);

System.out.println("baz call hex:\n" + Strings.encode(bazCall) + "\n"); // hexadecimal encoding (without 0x prefix)

Tuple recoveredArgs = baz.decodeCall(bazCall2); // decode the encoding back to the original args

System.out.println("baz args:\n" + recoveredArgs + "\n"); // toString()
System.out.println("equal:\n" + recoveredArgs.equals(bazArgs) + "\n"); // test for equality

System.out.println("baz call debug:\n" + baz.annotateCall(bazCall.array()) + "\n"); // human-readable, for debugging function calls (expects input to start with 4-byte selector)
System.out.println("baz args debug:\n" + baz.getInputs().annotate(bazArgs) + "\n"); // human-readable, for debugging encodings without a selector
System.out.println("f2 call debug:\n" + f2.annotateCall(complexNums) + "\n");
System.out.println("f2 args debug:\n" + f2.getInputs().annotate(complexNums));

Decoding Return Values

Function foo = Function.parse("foo((fixed[],int8)[1][][5])", "(int,string)");

// decode return type (int256,string)
Tuple decoded = foo.decodeReturn(
        + "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040"
        + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e"
        + "59616f62616e6745696768747939000000000000000000000000000000000000"

System.out.println(decoded.equals(Tuple.of(BigInteger.valueOf(42L), "YaobangEighty9")));
Function fooTwo = Function.parse("fooTwo()", "(uint8)");
int returned = fooTwo.decodeSingletonReturn(FastHex.decode("00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF")); // uint8 corresponds to int

Using TupleType

TupleType<Tuple> tt = TupleType.parse("(bool,address,int72[][])");
ByteBuffer b0 = tt.encode(Tuple.of(false, Address.wrap("0x52908400098527886E0F7030069857D2E4169EE7"), new BigInteger[0][]));
// Tuple t = tt.decode(b0); // decode the tuple (has the side effect of advancing the ByteBuffer's position)
// or...
Address a = tt.decode(b0, 1); // decode only index 1
Tuple t2 = tt.decode(b0, 0, 2); // decode only indices 0 and 2

ByteBuffer b1 = tt.<ABIType<BigInteger[][]>>get(2).encode(new BigInteger[][] {  }); // encode only int72[][]


Event<?> event = Event.fromJson("{\"type\":\"event\",\"name\":\"an_event\",\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"a\",\"type\":\"bytes\",\"indexed\":true},{\"name\":\"b\",\"type\":\"uint256\",\"indexed\":false}],\"anonymous\":true}");
Tuple args = event.decodeArgs(new byte[][] { new byte[32] }, new byte[32]);

// create any type directly (advanced)
ArrayType<ABIType<Object>, ?, Object> at = TypeFactory.create("(address,int)[]");
ArrayType<TupleType<Tuple>, Tuple, Tuple[]> at2 = TypeFactory.create("(address,int)[]");
ArrayType<TupleType<Pair<Address, BigInteger>>, Pair<Address, BigInteger>, Pair<Address, BigInteger>[]> at3 = TypeFactory.create("(address,int)[]");
ABIType<Object> unknown = TypeFactory.create(at.getCanonicalType());

RLP package

// for an example class Student implementing some example interface
public Student(byte[] rlp) {
    Iterator<RLPItem> iter = RLPDecoder.RLP_STRICT.sequenceIterator(rlp);
    this.name = iter.next().asString(Strings.UTF_8);
    this.gpa = iter.next().asFloat(false);
    this.publicKey = iter.next().asBytes();
    this.balance = new BigDecimal(iter.next().asBigInt(), iter.next().asInt());

public Object[] toObjectArray() {
    return new Object[] {
            // instances of byte[]
            Strings.decode(name, Strings.UTF_8),
            // include an Object[] or Iterable and its elements will be encoded as an RLP list (which may include other lists)

public byte[] toRLP() {
    return RLPEncoder.sequence(toObjectArray());


Now available in Maven Central Repository.

Or build locally:

Clone the project and install to your local maven repository using gradle publishToMavenLocal or mvn install, then declare it as a dependency:



  • Run gradle build or gradle jar which output to build/libs
  • Use mvn package which outputs to target
  • Execute ant all build-jar which outputs to build/lib
  • Add headlong as a project dependency


Screenshot GraalVM 20.0.2 on x86-64

Command line interface


Example Android app



Also includes optimized implementations of:

  • EIP-778 Ethereum Node Records
  • EIP-55 Mixed-case checksum address encoding
  • Keccak
  • hexadecimal

headlong depends on gson v2.10.1 for the abi package. Test suite should take less than one minute to run. Test packages require junit. Jar size is ~128 KiB. Java 8+.

See the wiki for more, such as packed encoding (and decoding) and RLP Object Notation: https://github.com/esaulpaugh/headlong/wiki

Licensed under Apache 2.0 terms