
Openclassrooms / Projet 6 : Développez de A à Z le site communautaire SnowTricks

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Getting Started

  1. copy repository git clone https://github.com/esauvage1978/oc_project6_snowtricks.git
  2. composer install
  3. Copy et rename .env.local to .env and configure BDD connect on .env file and dev environnement (APP_ENV=dev)
  4. Create database php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  5. Create sql file php bin/console make:migration
  6. Migrate table on database php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  7. (for test) load fixtures into the database php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  8. configure the producion environnement in .env file (APP_ENV=prod)
  9. Account fixtures:
    • Role : Admin
      • username : manu
      • Pass : u12345678
    • Role : Gestionnaire
      • username : pauline
      • Pass : u12345678
    • Role : User
      • Email : paul
      • Pass : u12345678