
Rails engine that provides all the functionality/structure for Zapier REST hooks pattern.

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Rails engine that provides functionality for Zapier REST hooks pattern.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'zapier_rest_hooks'

After you've added ZapierRestHooks to your gemfile, you can install it with:

rails generate zapier_rest_hooks:install

The generator will mount ZapierRestHooks in your config/routes.rb at the path /hooks.

Now run rake db:migrate


By adding ZapierRestHooks engine to your Rails app, you will have access to ZapierRestHooks::Hook model. This model maps the Hook object described on Zapier REST Hooks pattern.

Here's an example on how you can integrate hooks into your existing models.


This is simple example, in real life you should wrap ZapierRestHooks::Hook.trigger inside a Job.

A hook can be scoped to an owner. By default it's nil but you can specify it if you need it.

class Candidate < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Relations
  belongs_to :organization

  # Callbacks
  after_create :trigger_hooks_with_owner, if: :organization
  after_create :trigger_hooks_without_owner, unless: :organization


  def trigger_hooks_with_owner
    return unless ZapierRestHooks::Hook.hooks_exist?('new_candidate', organization)
    # Scoped event.
    ZapierRestHooks::Hook.trigger('new_candidate', self.to_json, organization)

  def trigger_hooks_without_owner
    return unless ZapierRestHooks::Hook.hooks_exist?('new_candidate')
    # Global event.
    ZapierRestHooks::Hook.trigger('new_candidate', self.to_json)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/esbanarango/zapier-REST-hooks. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


This was written by Esteban Arango Medina, based on Ryan Alyn Porter initial solution.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.