
🧠 Inspecting complexity and goal-directedness of imagination in an fNIRS BCI system.

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Assessing the benefit of pre-training a thought classification model using neural prediction with an LSTM. Read the paper.

I perform self-supervised training (LeCun & Misra, 2021) to pre-train a machine learning model using the LSTM architecture (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) on functional near-infrared spectroscopic (fNIRS) neuroimaging data (Naseer & Hong, 2015) from the NIRx NIRSport2 system (NIRx, 2021) and transfer and fine-tune it for a BCI thought classification task (Yoo et al., 2018) as is done with language models (C. Sun et al., 2019). As far as I am aware, this is the first example of such work.

Accompanies a YouTube series.


The 1-layer LSTM, 3-layer LSTM and dense pre-trained models were trained to predict the brain activity in channel 1 4.2 seconds in the future given 10 seconds of data. These were highly succesful and LSTMs performed much better than the fully-connected and the designed baseline (fig. 3).

The model weights were transferred and the last layer was replaced with a 256 dense layer and a sigmoid binary classifier. These underfit horribly but the pre-training avoided extreme overfitting (fig. 4).

Figure 3 Figure 4
figure 3 A) Predictions based on continuous real data for the three pre-trained models, B) Performance of the different models and the last-value baseline on all validation data, C) the three models’ mean absolute error on the test dataset (notice that the LSTMs learn more than the Dense model) figure 4 A) Validation loss at the last (250th) subtracted by the first step’s validation loss at different amounts of layers transferred with the LSTM-3 model. Positive numbers mean the model has become worse. B) The performance on the training and test set for the different models either pre-trained or not

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File name Description
exp_train_st_all.py πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Trains the neural prediction models with basis in a configuration dictionary in the script. To run this, you need to connect W&B.
exp_bci_task.py πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Trains the classification models. Also has configurations and need a login to W&B. **Run generate_augmented_datasets.py](code/generate_augmented_datasets.py)** to generate augmented datasets in [data/datasets` before running this.
experiment_bci.py πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Code for running the terminal experimental paradigm. Starts an LSL stream that logs triggers in the .snirf fNIRS output files.
helper_functions.py πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» An extensive selection of helper functions generally referred to by .py code in this directory.
generate_augmented_datasets.py πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Generates .npy train/test datasets with/without augmentation to use for exp_bci_task.py.
3_data_figure.py πŸ“Š Generates prediction data for figure 3A.
4_brain_plot.py πŸ“Š Generates contrast brain plot in figure 4C.
data_wandb.py πŸ“Š Collects data from W&B using their api. Also requires you to login.
figures.Rmd πŸ“Š Generates figures from the data collected from the above scripts. Each figure can be run isolated in their own code chunk and outputs to media/figures.
analysis.Rmd ✍ Simple analyses and unstructured code.
pipeline_math.Rmd ✍ Goes through an unstructured explanation of the math implemented in R.
