"ag" stands for AGnostic
$ bower install ag-grid
$ npm install ag-grid
See the www.ag-grid.com for overview and documentation.
To build:
npm install
npm install gulp -g
bower install
orgulp release
Default gulp task is for development. It includes source maps, does not include minification, and starts a watch.
'release' gulp task does minification and no source maps. This is for releasing.
If you are doing a Pull Request:
- Make your code changes in
files only, don't update dist files - Make your doc changes in
, a feature is not complete unless it's documented - Do manual end to end testing off all examples in documentation
- Discard all changes to
- Create Pull Request
The new build has the following structure:
- \src -> contains source files (TypeScript and CSS), don't touch these!
- \dist -> contains distribution files
- \dist\ag-grid.js and \dist\ag-grid.min.js -> use these if not using a package manager and put ag-Grid on the global scope. The new JavaScript distribution files contain the CSS for the grid, no need to reference separately.
- \dist\styles -> contains CSS files, used if doing your own bundling.
- \dist\lib -> contains compiles JavaScript files in CommonJS format.
- \main.js -> CommonJS root file, reference this file if importing project via CommonJS.
- \main.d.ts -> CommonJS root definition file.
Please do not use GitHub issues to ask questions. Ask questions on the website forum.
ag-Grid is not looking for contributors. It is not intended to be developed by an online community.
PR's on new features are not generally accepted.
PR's on small bug fixes are generally accepted.