A $.ajax wrapper for OAuth 2 access and refresh token management for use in a SPA.
This is a library for storing access token client side and use it for $.ajax requests. Secondly, it is a library for requesting new access tokens upon expiration.
I have written an extensive blog post about writing a web app using Lumen that utilizes this library for client side management of tokens.
Building a web app with Lumen web API and OAuth2 authentication
- Stores access token client side using store.js for persistence between refreshes
- Adds authorization header to ajax requests
- Adds CSRF token to header requests if provided to protect access token
- When access token expires all 401 requests are buffered and fired after a new access token is generated by using refresh token server side
- Works with AMD modules
Can be installed via bower package
bower install --save jquery-oauth
... or by cloning the repository
git clone git@github.com:esbenp/jquery-oauth.git
... or by grabbing a zip of the latest release
OAuth has to be implemented server side. If using Laravel, I recommend the great library oauth-server-laravel by Luca Degasperi (@lucadegasperi).
Have an endpoint that issues access tokens. Remember do NOT send client_id
and client_secret
with the request.
Send the request to a proxy endpoint that sends the request to the OAuth endpoint. Remember do NOT save the refresh
token client side. Save this as an encrypted httponly cookie and use a proxy to send this to the OAuth endpoint when
refreshing access tokens.
define([/*other dependencies,*/ "jquery-oauth", function(jqOAuth){
/* other initialisation */
var csrfToken = $("input[name='_token']").val();
var auth = new jqOAuth({
csrfToken: csrfToken,
events: {
login: function() {
// User is hereby logged in and the
// access token will be added to subsequent
// $.ajax calls, until a new token cannot
// be acquired or auth.logout() is called.
logout: function() {
// auth.logout() has been called and the
// authorization headers are removed from
// $.ajaxSettings. Tokens are removed from
// localStorage.
tokenExpiration: function() {
// this event is fired when 401 calls are
// received from the server. Has to return
// an ajax promise.
// New tokens are set with auth.setAccessToken()
return $.post("/refresh-token-proxy-endpoint").success(function(response){
auth.setAccessToken(response.accessToken, response.accessTokenExpiration);
url: "/access-token-proxy-endpoint",
method: "POST",
data: {
username: "username-from-a-form",
password: "password-from-a-form"
statusCode: {
200: function(response) {
auth.login(response.accessToken, response.accessTokenExpiration);
401: function() {
alert("The username or password were not correct. Try again.");
These calls are available through auth
define(['jquery-oauth'], function(auth){
// The access token and expiration in seconds
// Sets authorization headers and stores tokens
auth.login(accessToken, accessTokenExpiration);
// Removes headers from $.ajax and tokens from localStorage
// Initialize library
var auth = new jqOAuth({
csrfToken: "token" //CSRF token,
events: {
logout: function(){},
login: function(){},
tokenExpiration: function(){}
// Sets new tokens - should be used with tokenExpiration event
auth.setAccessToken(accessToken, accessTokenExpiration);
// Checks for tokens
The library addresses OAuth problems in general. Many of these are outlined in this great article: OAuth2 with Angular the right way
Also, the refresh token functionality takes great inspiration in this great AngularJS library: angular-http-auth
So thank you Jeremy Marc (@jeremymarc) and Witold Szczerba (@witoldsz)
Copyright © 2015 Esben Petersen & Contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.