- 1
React 16 support
#345 opened by xtuc - 0
Can't create charts with this package
#347 opened by ankit6373 - 1
TypeError: Cannot read property 'string' of undefined
#346 opened by vkupar - 7
React Native Version!
#296 opened by dcflow - 1
Line chart format Date in x axis
#342 opened by darioenginius - 3
PropTypes Support for React v^15.5.0
#344 opened by danang-id - 1
Installing react-d3
#343 opened by anusurendra - 1
Warning React.__spread is deprecated
#337 opened by lazarev911 - 0
Set AreaChart fill color
#341 opened by darioenginius - 1
- 0
WebStorm React d3 library force()
#340 opened by Thelin90 - 0
using dates in linechart as x axis not working
#338 opened by aTylerRice - 5
#331 opened by coderjonny - 13
d3 TypeError when initializing
#300 opened by sibbl - 1
does it have wordcloud?
#336 opened by code-learner - 1
How do I shrink(or expand) PieChart?
#335 opened by makimaki007 - 2
How to show tooltips in lineChart?
#334 opened by FezVrasta - 0
label for plots in graph
#333 opened by SubhuMS - 0
Building in Accessible View
#332 opened by mgifford - 2
Vertical Labels on BarChart (transform / textAnchor)
#329 opened by Sineliad - 1
Upgrade to react ^15.0.1
#325 opened by robin-anil - 0
LineChart width proptype warning
#328 opened by DesmondHsu - 3
- 0
- 5
Real time support
#324 opened by EwanValentine - 1
LineChart not passing on sideOffset property
#317 opened by bradtwurst - 9
latest version
#321 opened by RahavLussato - 1
show and hide of labels
#320 opened by 4iAmAve - 3
Legends should be customizable from parent charts
#316 opened by notpeelz - 3
Problems with VoronoiCircleContainer for LineChart when xAccessor and yAccesor are set
#282 opened by JeffAMcGee - 1
Legend position parameter is ignored
#283 opened by dkulichkin - 2
LineChart IE 11 error > Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'assign'
#309 opened by mjasnikovs - 1
- 4
where can i find the documents?
#318 opened by p2227 - 1
npm installation of LineChart is not working with `TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object`
#305 opened by blmarket - 2
missing script: build
#314 opened by ernest-rhinozeros - 1
How to remove Linechart line dot
#313 opened by yuyang041060120 - 0
- 1
how to specify custom color attribute in line chart?
#308 opened by gnuman - 1
How to show values on top of each bar in a BarChart?
#292 opened by levinqdl - 2
Tooltips for data points
#285 opened by maherbeg - 1
[Feature] How can i interact with each segment in pie chart by clicking or something like this?
#298 opened by namKolo - 1
horizontal bar graph
#310 opened by flyon - 4
A valid ReactComponent must be returned.
#304 opened by dtysky - 0
- 1
#307 opened by xinghengwang - 2
Multiple colored bars in Bar Chart??
#295 opened by csakis - 2
- 0
What is the data format for a simple bar chart?
#294 opened by hhuby - 1
react-d3 in 2016
#289 opened by yang-wei