
A jekyll boilerplate using compass/sass and buildpack ready for Heroku deployment

Primary LanguageRuby

Jekyll for Designers

##This is a base Jekyll setup created by a designer for designers It is automatically transformed by Jekyll into a static site whenever you push your repository to GitHub.

##More Info I wrote a blog post that explains the thought process that led to the creation of this repo.

##Usage This particular Jekyll base is intended to be used with Heroku. It uses Matthew Manning's Ruby Jekyll Buildpack. Also, Compass and Sass are included to make things a little bit easier.

After forking head to the local project directory on your machine in terminal and run

bundle install

Now you have all of the necessary gems installed that were listed in the Gemfile you forked. To compile your site and see a preview run

jekyll --server

Head over to http://localhost:4000/ to see "Hello World"

Your Jekyll install is up and running and ready to deploy! You will need to have git and heroku command line tools installed in order to deploy. These are available in the Heroku Toolbelt if you don't have them already.

As taken from Matthew Manning's buildpack, you will need to run the following to deploy to Heroku.

heroku create -s cedar --buildpack http://github.com/mattmanning/heroku-buildpack-ruby-jekyll.git

Push to heroku

git push heroku master

That's it!