
framework for building modular Bash applications

Primary LanguageShellMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


build status license

manage is an MPLv2 licensed framework for building modular Bash applications.

Table of Contents


In this example, we’ll use manage as a submodule. We’ll go through the setup process; learn the distinction between commands and modules; and describe built-in statements.


Let’s make a temporary directory, initialize a git project and add a directory to it (vendor, in this case).

$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ mkdir vendor

Add manage as a submodule

$ git submodule add https://github.com/escapace/manage vendor/manage

Run the initialization script

$ ./vendor/manage/manage init

This will set up directories inside tmp as follows

INFO Creating scripts directory /path/to/tmp/scripts
INFO Creating modules directory /path/to/tmp/scripts/modules

Running ls -a in tmp, we should now get

.  ..  scripts  manage  .manage.yml

Note that these paths are customizable in the .manage.yml file.

Commands and Modules

Commands are scripts local to the project. Modules are reusable bash functions that can be imported from commands in local and remote projects.



  • Contain only @import statements
  • Must have only 1 function
  • File name must be the same as the bash function name it exposes
  • Must not prefix imported modules with an underscore
  • Should be placed in scripts/modules/arbitrary-directory/moduleName

Built-in statements


# @description capitalize and print string

Provides a short description of a script which will be logged when ./manage is called


# @dependency docker

Checks whether executable with given name exists in PATH


# @import github.com/escapace/stack-tools download/downloadPacker

Import a module from import path.

  • Modules from manage utility library such as array/join
  • Local modules in scripts/modules directory
  • Remote modules such as github.com/escapace/stack-tools download/downloadPacker

Utility Library

Manage contains utility modules for Bash, resembling those of lodash. Utility module groups include

Let’s import and use one of these. In scripts there is a file called hello. It already uses warn and error modules

# @import console/warn
# @import console/error

Imported modules should be prefixed with underscore, hence

if (( $1 == 0 ))
    _ warn "Exiting."
    _ error "An error with exit code \"$1\" has occurred."

We import string/capitalize, which, not surprisingly, capitalizes a string.

# @import string/capitalize

Then we add the following to main ()

local string="lorem"
_ capitalize "${string}"

Now, if we run

$ ./manage hello

The result will be

Hello World!
Script name: hello
Caller name: manage
Repository : path/to/tmp
PWD        : path/to/tmp
Argument 1 :
Argument 2 :
Argument 3 :
WARN Exiting.

Notice on line 9, “lorem” is capitalized to “Lorem”.

Remote Modules

An import path can describe how to obtain the module source code from a GitHub repository. The GitHub repository should have at least one signed version tag (like v1.8.5). Say we want to import a manage module from the escapace/stack-tools repository that automates the download and verification of Hashicorp’s Terraform.

In order to verify the escapace/stack-tools repository, we need to have the escapace public key.

$ gpg2 --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 13F26F82E955B8B8CE469054F29CCEBC83FD4525

Now, we can import the script by adding the following line to our hello file in scripts

# @import github.com/escapace/stack-tools download/downloadTerraform

Then run

$ ./manage hello

This will execute the script and create a .manage_modules directory containing our imports. If we run ls -a in tmp, we should get

.  .. .git  .manage_modules  scripts  vendor  .gitmodules  manage  .manage.yml

vendor/terraform now contains HashiCorp’s Terraform, which is ready for usage.


Our thanks go out to the developers and organizations who have directly and indirectly contributed to this project.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MPL 2.0.

This program uses third-party libraries or other resources that may be distributed under different licenses. Please refer to the specific files and/or packages for more detailed information about the authors, copyright notices, and licenses.