
Synder is an Atom/RSS/SearchSuggestion/OPML processing framework. It is Optimized For Android, but works with Java SE/EE. Synder has a small-footprint, low memory consumption. The only dependency for parsing is a SAX2 implementation.

Primary LanguageJava


Synder is an Atom/RSS/SearchSuggestion/OPML processing framework.

Maven Central

It is Optimized For Android, but works with Java SE/EE.

Synder has a small-footprint, low memory consumption.

The only dependency for parsing is a SAX2 implementation.


  • Additional document types supported: Open Search Suggestions, OPML.
  • Bare-metal SAX handlers so it's fast, fast, FAST!
  • Flexible namespace processing system. Several popular namespaces are included: Dublin Core, iTunes, RDF Content.
  • Actually subjected to HPROF and tweaked in.
  • Content generation JAR based on XmlSerializer that outputs RSS 2.0 and Atom for "round-tripping" content.
  • Drop-in replacement for ROME via com.sun.syndication.* packages.
  • ROME users: No "converters" required; parses directly into Synd* classes.