This is the home of Patternplates next UI elements. The idea is a recursive strategy by documenting Patternplates UI in itself.
- Stage 1: Concept
- Structure
- Navigation ✓
- Header ✓
- Pluginareas ✓
- Settings
- Pattern ✓
- Functionalities
- Narrowing navigation ✓
- Dark mode
- Build download
- Structure
- Stage 2: Design
- UI
- Function buttons ✓
- Primary button
- New meta labels
- Toolbars ✓
- Frame
- Navigation ✓
- Header ✓
- Pluginarea ✓
- Settings
- Pattern ✓
- UI
- Stage 3: Build it!
- Setup patternplate project ✓
- Build Frame Prove of Concept
- Build components
Note: Stage 2+3 can run simultaneously
- Priority Plus Pattern for toolbars with swiping elements
- Elements are located in overlay and move out if place is given.
- By selecting hidden icon overlay gets closed and icon pushes visible icons from right - last icon moves to overlay
- Probably handles for frames resizing