
Type definitions for WebLN

MIT LicenseMIT


Type definitions for WebLN

Quick Start

  1. Install package
 npm install @webbtc/webln-types --save-dev # or yarn add @webbtc/webln-types --dev
  1. Type definitions are now available through window.webln and importing from "@webbtc/webln-types"
import { GetInfoResponse } from "@webbtc/webln-types";
if (window.webln) {
  (async () => {
    await window.webln.enable();
    const info: GetInfoResponse = await window.webln.getInfo();
    console.log("Your node pubkey is", info.node.pubkey);
} else {
  console.warn("WebLN not enabled");

If you do not import any types from "@webbtc/webln-types" and just want to use window.webln, add the following line somewhere in your codebase (e.g. the main/index.tsx file) to ensure the types still get consumed:

/// <reference types="@webbtc/webln-types" />

Adding WebLN to your application

Read the WebLN Guide