
A full medium geared OpenShift instance for you to run the JBoss World 2012 Keynote Deme on JBoss EAP 6.

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Update: June 2018 mnoved to Gitlab

JBoss Keynote Demo from JBossWorld 2012 Quickstart Guide

Demo based on JBoss EAP6 and the existing code base of the Keynote demo.

Setup and Configuration

Create an account at http://openshift.redhat.com/

Create a jbosseap-6.0 application that scales and is of medium gear size.

$ rhc app create -a jbw2012 -t jbosseap-6.0 -g medium -s --from-code git://github.com/eschabell/openshift-jbw2012.git

We also need to push some of the configuration files for drools-guvnor. To do this you need to know the UUID of your machine, you can find this with:

$ rhc domain show

jbw2012 Framework: jbosseap-6.0 Creation: 2012-09-17T12:51:12-04:00 UUID: [some-number] Git URL: ssh://[some-number]@jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/jbw2012.git/ Public URL: http://jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com/ Cartridges: haproxy-1.4

Use the UUID to scp the following files:

$ scp support/guvnor-roles.properties [UUID]@jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com:jbosseap-6.0/jbosseap-6.0/standalone/configuration/ $ scp support/guvnor-users.properties [UUID]@jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com:jbosseap-6.0/jbosseap-6.0/standalone/configuration/ $ scp support/standalone.xml [UUID]@jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com:jbosseap-6.0/jbosseap-6.0/standalone/configuration/

That's it, you can now checkout your application at:


Accessing the Client Applications

buyer application: jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com/jbossworld-client

approver application: jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com/jbossworld-client/#approver (password is letmein)

VP application: jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com/jbossworld-client/#vp (password is letmein)

Note: To switch between roles, you must first logout. Once logged out, you will not be able to return to the previous role so a new role will be created when you log in again.


You can also look at the drools-guvnor via: jbw2012-$yourdomain.rhcloud.com/drools-guvnor (login admin/admin).

PROBLEMS: seems like standalone.xml is being overwritten so admin/admin login not working.
