
The GateIn project installed in OpenShift!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Update: June 2018 moved to Gitlab

GateIn portal on OpenShift Express

Installing the GateIn project on OpenShift was never easier!

This git repository helps you get up and running quickly with the GateIn project.

Running on OpenShift

Create an account at http://openshift.redhat.com/

Create a jbossas-7.0 application

rhc app create -a portal -t jbossas-7 --from-code git://github.com/eschabell/openshift-portal.git

Issue the following command to determine your USERID

rhc app show

This will display something like:

(uuid: dee08c9861f54a6b9bfcb968c356b4c4)

Where USERID is a hash string.

Open .openshift/config/standalone.xml for editing, and replace the two occurrences of ${USER_ID} with your actual value.

Then push the repo upstream

git push

That's it, you can now checkout your application at:
