(describe schema) => "a string that is the schema's description"
(require [malli-descriptions.core :as md])
(md/describe [:map [:x int?]])
;;=> "a map like {:x -> <integer>}"
(md/describe [:map [:x int?]])
;;=> "a map like {:x -> <integer>}"
(md/describe [:map [:x {:optional true} int?] [:y :boolean]])
;;=> "a map like {:x (optional) -> <integer>, :y -> <boolean>}"
(md/describe [:map {:closed true} [:x int?]])
;;=> "a map like {:x -> <integer>} with no other keys"
(md/describe [:map {:closed true} [:x {:optional true} int?] [:y :boolean]])
;;=> "a map like {:x (optional) -> <integer>, :y -> <boolean>} with no other keys"
(md/describe [:=> [:cat int?] int?])
;;=> "a function that takes input: [integer] and returns integer"
[:map [:j-code [:and :keyword
[:fn {:description "has length 4"} #(= 4 (count (name %)))]]]])
;;=> "a map like {:j-code -> <keyword, and has length 4>}"
(md/describe [:map-of {:title "dict"} :int :string])
"a map (titled: ‘dict’) from <integer> to <string>"
(md/describe [:vector [:sequential [:set :int]]])
"vector of sequence of set of integer"
(md/describe [:multi {:dispatch :type
:dispatch-description "the type of animal"}
[:dog [:map [:x :int]]]
[:cat :any]])
"one of <:dog = a map like {:x -> <integer>} | :cat = anything> dispatched by the type of animal"
(md/describe [:multi {:dispatch :type}
[:dog [:map [:x :int]]]
[:cat :any]])
"one of <:dog = a map like {:x -> <integer>} | :cat = anything> dispatched by :type"
(md/describe [:schema
{:registry {"ConsCell" [:maybe [:tuple :int [:ref "ConsCell"]]]}}
"ConsCell <a nullable a vector with exactly 2 items of type: integer, >\"ConsCell\""
{"Country" [:map
{:closed true}
[:name [:enum :FI :PO]]
{:optional true}
[:vector [:ref "Country"]]]],
"Burger" [:map
[:name string?]
[:description {:optional true} string?]
[:origin [:maybe "Country"]]
[:price pos-int?]],
"OrderLine" [:map
{:closed true}
[:burger "Burger"]
[:amount int?]],
"Order" [:map
{:closed true}
[:lines [:vector "OrderLine"]]
{:closed true}
[:delivered boolean?]
[:street string?]
[:zip int?]
[:country "Country"]]]]]]}}
"Order which is: <Country is a map like {:name -> <an enum of :FI, :PO>, :neighbors (optional) -> <vector of >\"Country\"} with ;;=> no other keys, Burger is a map like {:name -> <string>, :description (optional) -> <string>, :origin -> <a nullable Country>, :price -> <integer greater than 0>}, OrderLine is a map like {:burger -> <Burger>, :amount -> <integer>} with no other keys, Order is a map like {:lines -> <vector of OrderLine>, :delivery -> <a map like {:delivered -> <boolean>, :address -> <a map like {:street -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :country -> <Country>}>} with no other keys>} with no other keys>"