
I never thought philosophy would be so deadly

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I never thought philosophy would be so deadly

Description of the subject

Philosophers is a project about solving the dining philosophers problem by writing a simulation of philosophers sitting around a table. The philosophers alternatively eat, think, or sleep. Once a philosophers is done eating he will sleep, afterwards think and then eat again. There is a fork for every philosopher and 2 forks are needed for a philosopher to eat. Once a philosopher starts eating his time to die will be reset and the other philosophers can't access the forks anymore while he eats. If a philosopher dies the simulation will stop.

This project is about writing effective code, learning about threads, mutexes and all the problems that may come along with it, like data races.

For more details: subject.pdf

Installation and execution

  1. git clone or fork the repository
  2. run make to create the executeable
  3. run it with ./philo and the needed arguments (amount of philos, time to die, time to eat, time to sleep, *number of meals)

*number of meals is not necessary for the simulation to work

Sources and tips for 42 students

  • I really recommend watching the threads videos by CodeVault to get started with threads
  • Even though I didn't use one, I recommend using a *"reaper thread" because it makes your simulation way faster
  • Mutex lock everytime you access a shared variable to avoid data races, bools don't need to be locked necessarily because they only have 2 values

*a reaper thread is a thread running along with the philosophers checking if one of them died and if so exiting the program