
Search for local restaurants using the google maps API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Restaurant Finder

View online at http://edanschwartz.com/sandbox/g2p-rf/index.php, or view the Jasmine test spec runner.

The Challenge

Create a search tool to find local restaurants by name or category. A CSV will serve as the data source.

The Solution

  • Parses a csv file with restaurant names and cuisine styles
  • Geocodes restaurant locations into lat/lng coordinates
  • Renders restaurants on a google map
  • Provides a search area to filter by restaurant name or cuisine type, which is bound to the google maps view

The Tools

I am using Backbone for this application, as well as the Backbone.GoogleMaps library to integrate the google maps view with the location data. This is a library I created a year or so ago, and have used on several projects, including YourLocalYardSale.com.