You'll need to download and familiarize yourself with a few common web development tools, in order to get this application up and running:
- Git: version control - download
- Node: server-side javascript runtime - download
- npm: package manager for node - included with node download
You can use git to download the code base from github. In your terminal, enter:
git clone
This will clone (copy) the flash-cards repository (code base) in the the flash-cards
directory in your computer.
You can install dependencies using npm. From the flash-cards
project directory, enter into the terminal:
npm install
This will install project dependencies into flash-cards/node_modules
If you look in flash-cards/data
you'll see a couple of SQL scripts.
contains the the SQL code for defining the schema of theflashcards
contains some sample data for populating theflashcards
Run both of these scripts, starting with flashcards.sql
You now need to tell the application how to connect to the database. To do this
- Make a copy of
and re-name todb.local.json
- Change the username/password in
to match your MySQL credentials.
The code for the application server is in flash-cards/src/app.js
. To start up the application server, simply run that file with node:
node ./src/app.js
If everything is working correctly, you should see something like:
Example app listening at
If you followed the "Getting Started" docs, you should now have a node server up and running on your local machine at
. The application exposes a few endpoints (urls) under that address:
: Serves a JSON representation of the flash-cards in theflashcards
database- This could be used by the client-side javascript for dynamic access to server data
: Serves an HTML file, which runs the FlashCards app/audio
: Serves static content from the/public
To access any of these endpoints, visit
in your browser. The main application is at
The FlashCards app includes both server-side javascript (in the src/
directory), and client-side javascript (in the /public
Take a look at the code for more documentation and notes.
The main components on the server-side are:
- The
model, insrc/model/flash-card.js
- This model provides methods for populating
objects from SQL queries.
- This model provides methods for populating
- HTML View templates, in
- The main application script, which is an Express.js application.
- Routes requests to controllers (functions), using
- Controllers fetch data from the
model - Controllers render HTML or JSON views, using
model data
- Routes requests to controllers (functions), using
The client-side javascript is located in public/js/cards.js
. This is a pretty simple/naive application, which runs through the flash card data (provided in the src/view/flash-cards.html.hbs
template), and creates some interactive views.
Note that we're using an audio library called Howler.js
for playing audio files. Take a look at their docs, and especially at the sprites feature, which I'm using to play sound clips from an audio file. There may be other more advanced or easy-to-use audio libraries out there (including the native Web Audio API), but this one worked for what I was doing.