
A sample REST API written in Go. Covers a hypothetical use case that tracks metadata for physical sensors in various geographical locations.

Primary LanguageGo

Sample Go API: Sensor Metadata

A sample REST API written in Go. Covers a hypothetical use case that tracks metadata for physical sensors in various geographical locations.


A JSON REST API for storing and querying sensor metadata. Exposes endpoints for the following:

  • Storing name, location (gps position), and a list of tags for each sensor.
  • Retrieving metadata for an individual sensor by name.
  • Updating a sensor’s metadata.
  • Querying to find the sensor nearest to a given location (by lat/lon).
  • Query to find sensor nearest to a location by place name (geocoded).


Install dependencies

go mod tidy

Setup a local database

# See "Database Setup" below
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://admin:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/sensors?sslmode=disable

Run the HTTP server

go run ./cmd/sensor-api

This will start the API server on localhost:8000

Database Setup

The sensors API requires a Postgres database with the postgis extension installed. To create the necessary database tables, see scripts/db-init.sql

For local development, you can quickly create a test database in a docker container:


This will start a postgis/postgis docker container initialized with the necessary database tables. You may connect to that database using:



To run tests:

go test ./...

Some tests require a test database, and will be skipped if none is specified. To specify the test database, use the TEST_DATABASE_URL environment variable:

# Create a test database in a docker container

# Configure the database url
export TEST_DATABASE_URL=postgres://admin:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/sensors?sslmode=disable

# Run tests
go test ./...

Test database tables will be truncated with every test run. Do not use a live database!

Environment configuration

The following environment variables are supported:

Name Description
PORT HTTP port to listen on. Defaults to 8000
DATABASE_URL URL to connect to the postgres database

API Reference

GET /sensors/:name

Retrieve metadata for a single sensor, by name.


GET /sensors/abc123
HTTP 200
    "data": {
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "abc123",
      "lat": 44.916241209323736,
      "lon": -93.21112681214602,
      "tags": [

GET /sensors/closest

Retrieve metadata for sensors closest to a given location.


GET /sensors/closest/?location=44.9,-93.211&radius=100km
HTTP 200
    "data": [
        "id": 1234,
        "name": "abc123",
        "lat": 44.916241209323736,
        "lon": -93.21112681214602,
        "tags": [

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Default Description Example
location x - Latitude / longitute coordinate, from which to center the search 44.9,-93.211
radius 20km Results will be included within this radius from the location. Supported units are mi (miles) and km (kilometers) 50mi, 100km

POST /sensors

Add a sensor to the system


POST /sensors
  "name": "abc123",
  "lat": 44.916241209323736,
  "lon": -93.21112681214602,
  "tags": [
HTTP 201
    "data": {
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "abc123",
      "lat": 44.916241209323736,
      "lon": -93.21112681214602,
      "tags": [

PUT /sensors/:name

Update a sensor's metadata, by sensor name


PUT /sensors/abc123
  "name": "abc123",
  "lat": -36.8779565276809,
  "lon": 174.7881226266269744,
  "tags": [
HTTP 200
    "data": {
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "abc123",
      "lat": -36.8779565276809,
      "lon": 174.7881226266269744,
      "tags": [