Python Data Processing Code Sample

By Edan Schwartz, 2024

Given a data file containing scored records, this program outputs the N highest record IDs ordered by descending score as JSON

The input data file is a series of key-value pairs (one per line) with the format

<score> : <record>

In valid input files, the score is an integer and the record is a JSON dictionary. The record can be any kind of well-formed JSON doc (with the exception of no line breaks). The only constraint on the record is that a valid record will contain an id key that uniquely defines that record. All scores and ids are unique. A record that is not valid JSON or that does not contain an id field should be considered invalid and handled as described under Exit Conditions

An example input data file is:

8795136: {"id":"d2e257c282b54347ac14b2d8","x":"foo","payload":"someamountofdata"}
5317020: {"id":"619236365add4a0ca6e501fc","type":"purple","payload":"smalldata"}
2766123: {"id":"da9f77e6a0f076b000a6c0e0","payload":"reallyquitealotofdata"}


Requires Python 3.10.8

This script has not been tested with other versions of Python. Consider running in a docker container.

To run:



python ./ 5

For full usage instructions, run:

python -h

Using Docker

To ensure a compatible version of python, consider running with docker:

docker run \
    --rm \
    -it \
    -w=/opt/app \
    -v $(pwd):/opt/app \
    python:3.10.8 \
    python /opt/app/ ./ 5

Generating data fixtures

Example data may be generated using the gen.js script:

npm install chance 


This repo includes partial test coverage of the core logic. To run tests:

python -m unittest


This repo includes code to profile memory usage. To run the profiler:

pip3 install -U memory_profiler

# Generate a report for processing, 
# with 5 max results
python3 -m memory_profiler ./test/ 5


See example memory profiler results at profile-1M.txt. You'll see here that processing a file with 1,000,000 records uses ~120kb of memory, when asking for 5 max results.

    11   15.938 MiB    0.000 MiB           1       max_results = 5
    13   16.062 MiB    0.000 MiB           2       with open(file_path) as f:
    14                                                 # Get the top N scores
    15   16.055 MiB    0.117 MiB           1           results = get_high_scores(f, max_results)
    17                                                 # Output results as JSON
    18   16.062 MiB    0.008 MiB           1           json.dumps(results, indent=2)

Processing 1,000,000 records took ~23s on my 2020 MacBook Pro. I chose to focus on memory efficiency, as hinted at in the instructions.

Time complexity could be improved by keeping all scores in memory, eg in a { score: id } dict, and sorting at the end. But this would come at the cost of higher memory usage.

Future Considerations

With more time I would prioritize:

  • More comprehensive test coverage
  • Time performance improvements