
A thrilling rest API adventure

Primary LanguageCSS

REST Quest

Write a client that consumes server.js's REST API, grabs a treasure and returns to your castle faster than your opponent.


  1. /register/ your player by sending a POST request with your name
  2. wait for your POST request to be answered by the server with a view
  3. POST your next move to /move/ with playercontaining your name and direction the direction you want to move to. The server will also answer with a view

What is a 'view'?

A view is an array of an array of objects that describes the surrounding tiles you can see. As different terrains provide different visibility, the array size can change.

	[ {"type": "grass"}, {"type": "mountain"}, {"type": "mountain"} ],
	[ {"type": "grass"}, {"type": "forest"}, {"type": "water"} ],
	[ {"type": "grass"}, {"type": "water"}, {"type": "water"} ]

Different terrains allow for different visiblity

  • forest: 3x3 view
  • grass: 5x5 view
  • mountain: 7x7 view

Your avatar is always positioned at the center of the view, so in the previous example he is positioned on the only forest tile.


The tiles contained in a view can contain the following data:

	"type":     "grass", // the tile type
	"castle":   "[playername]", // castle of a player named [playername]
	"treasure": true // treasure


You can /move/ either

  • up
  • down
  • left
  • right

Moving up a mountains takes two consecutive turns of moving in the same direction. So if you want to climb a mountain tile in direction up you will have to send the up direction twice - in two separate requests. Moving onto water or the enemy castle will instantly kill you.

Game Over

When the game is over because you or your opponent died, or took a treasure to the castle you will receive a game over response.

	"game"   : "over",
	"result" : "won" // won, lost or draw