
React Native application as the final project of the React Nanodegree with Udacity

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README - Quiz Book - react-native && react-redux

The client side of this project was built around the criteria of the final project of the React Nanodegree with Udacity.

The server and data side of this project will be built from the material learned from:

Project Criteria

The main purpose of this application is to provide the following features:

- A quiz game, with public scoreboards including:
	+ Basic user profiles.
	+ User dashboard, with metrics.
		* Showing quizzes, (option to display public or not)
		* Show scores (always public, with quiz names only displayed)
	+ Scoreboard

This application will be built to showcase the following technologies and practices:

- Consistent data retention with MongoDB / Mongoose
- REST API to manage HTTP requests with Express / Node
- Render the client interface with React Native / Redux
- Testing of server, data, and client applications with Mocha / Enzyme / Jest
- Manage user Authentication with oAuth / Passport 
- Offline caching with AsyncStorage

Possible future technologies include:

- GraphQL / Apollo for better offline - first utilization
- Server Side Rendering for optimized performance
- React application for web devices

Delivery planning:

- For v1 the front end and quiz functionality will be completed including:
	- Quiz game.
	- Basic quiz / card addition.
	- Score based on card incorrect / correct booleans.
- For v2 the back end will be completed, and the front end will be updated with:
	- Animations (front end)
	- Score board / User base ( front end and back end)
	- AsyncStorage sync. with MongoDB

(Expand upon criteria in a later version)


(expand on yarn installation, and node.js installation instructions, as well as expo instructions before repository instructions in the future)

Clone the repository from:

$ git clone https://github.com/escobard/react-native-mobile-flashcards.git

Install NPM dependencies:

$ npm install (or yarn install)


To run this application locally for development, use the following commands:

$ npm start (or yarn start)

Most Recent Updates - v0.8

##v0.8 - COMPLETED: + configure data flow including: - Data retention each time a new card / deck is added: + Async storage being updated every state change - need to consider smarter solutions + fix functionality: - new decks will only display start quiz button when cards are created

##v0.7 - COMPLETED: - Refactor of most application code. - Child component inherited data cleanup + configure data flow including: - action for new deck addition - action for new card addition

##v0.6 - COMPLETED: + style & create navigation for: - AddCard view - Card - Score - Quiz view

To Do's - v0.9

	- Add score functionality, incorrect / correct handlers.
	- Add validation to both forms
	- Clean up AsyncStorage promises with redux-thunk
	- Refactor code to better meet best practices

Known Bugs

  • Application live version showing an error due to bundle.js compression.

Libraries, Frameworks, APIs


[Redux] (http://redux.js.org/docs/introduction/)

[React Native] (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/r)

[Create React Native App] (https://github.com/react-community/create-react-native-app)

(add other maj libraries here)


All files in this repository are protected under the MIT license, but feel free to contribute, fork, star, or share this application as you see fit.

For commercial or educational use, please paste a link to this repository to give proper credit.


As of January 9th, 2018, these files are open for all to use and contribute to. This repository is protected under the MIT License.