Udacity - Senior Web Developer Nanodegree - By Google - Project 4

This repository contains all my own programming project files, notes, and associated files for the Udacity -Senior Web Developer Nanodegree - By Google - Project 4 course with Udacity.

None of the provided course example files, or content are provided in this repository. To get access to these files, please sign up to the course via the above link.

All rights for the original files used and provided with this course go to Udacity.


Clone the repository from:

$ git clone https://github.com/escobard/udacity-srwebdev-project4-dashboard.git

Install NPM dependencies:

$ npm install


To run this application locally use the following commands:

$ npm start

To publish, minimize, and compile components for production use:

$ npm build

Libraries, Frameworks


[Redux] (http://redux.js.org/docs/introduction/)

[jQuery] (https://jquery.com/)

[ReduxSimpleStarter] (https://github.com/StephenGrider/ReduxSimpleStarter)

[simple-data-table-map] (https://github.com/caspg/simple-data-table-map)

[Bootstrap Responsive Navigation Menu] (http://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/responsive-navigation-menu)

[jQuery datatables] (https://datatables.net/)

[FLATICON - Dashboard Favicon] (http://www.flaticon.com)


[Udemy - Modern React with Redux] (https://www.udemy.com/react-redux/)


Feel free to contribute to any and all of the files within this repository as you see fit. These files are mainly for personal use, but my goal is to help others better understand JavaScript Object Oriented programming with my software and helpful commentary.


As of October 31st, 2016, these files are open for all to use and contribute to. This repository is protected under the MIT License.