- 3DMM-ICME2023
- avijit9Hyderabad, India
- CaojunxuSCUT
- chenchengfd
- escorciavSamsung AI
- fwtanSamsung AI Center
- GGQ1996Peking University
- HH97
- i-Qin
- jayleicnMeta AI
- junwenchen
- Lee-CheWeiTaiwan
- LiuRicky
- minsoo-jeong
- nttung1110VinAI Research
- okisy
- outformaticsoutformatics
- ruotianluoWaymo
- SoldelliKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- StanLei52National University of Singapore
- Sy-ZhangAmazon
- TheShadow29Meta
- wangzheng17
- YanjieHuang-ECESchool of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
- YannisTevissenMoments Lab
- YasmineXXXShandong University
- yushuinanrong
- zbwglory@apple
- ZzZZCHSZhejiang University