YouTube Comments Analytics: Statistics Calculator

As a part of the YouTube Comments Analytics, this is the main application it is responsible for all the work that the user will see, and all the analytics that user will request, BUT to get gender analytics you need to run the Gender Resolver part first.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To properly run the application, you will need to install the following programs and packages:


After properly getting MongoDB and Anaconda (or Conda) you will need to prepare your workstation to deploy the project:

  • Create the conda environment for the application, get to the root directory where the file environment.yml is located and run:
conda env create -f environment.yml


After completing the Installation steps, you are ready to run the application:

  • Run the Gender Resolver application(refer to the installation guide).

  • Activate the conda conda environment:

activate statistics
  • Run the project by calling the from the same console session where the environment is activated:


  • LMARBOUH Mhamed
  • ESDAIRI Mohamed


  • Greate thanks to the Dash Framework Community for their great support.