TREC RTS homepage:
- Scenario A: 8/41 (mobile), 6/41 (NIST)
- Scenario B: 2/41 (NIST)
- Codes for Senario A are in directory A.
- Codes for Senario B are in directory B.
- The Twitter stream listening and preliminary filtering codes are in A/tool/twitter-tools/twitter-tools-core/src/main/python/twittertools/stream.
More detailed informations are in the directories.
We built our 3 runs on 3 different servers.
For Scenario A, each server runs 3 python scripts:
- a twitter tool: fetching tweets and serve as the filtering module.
- a "RUN_*.py" script: the judging module.
- a "" script: the submitting module.
The LaTeX source codes are in directory paper_trec17, and you can read the PDF version