"Introduction to Python" course for future Imperial College London MSc students
Jupyter NotebookBSD-3-Clause
- 5
Regarding the submission of the exercises
#93 opened by esemsc-gh124 - 1
Typo in the palindromes section of lecture 6
#92 opened by esemsc-gh124 - 4
- 5
Comparing LineSegment to a real number - Lecture 5 (The Triangle Class Implementation)
#90 opened by esemsc-ss2524 - 1
Potential error with algorithm used to check if a point is inside a triangle.
#89 opened by esemsc-bg721 - 1
LineSegment intersection assertion error
#88 opened by esemsc-bg721 - 1
Submitting Assignments
#87 opened by esemsc-ama724 - 2
Lecture 5 (The Triangle Class Implementation)
#85 opened by esemsc-ama724 - 2
Exercise 4.4: Improve a program
#84 opened by esemsc-ama724 - 1
Issue in downloading git and files being lost
#83 opened by esemsc-ama724 - 3
Exercise 2.11: Vectorised function - Possible solution failing PyBryt checks
#78 opened by acse-jrn22 - 1
Exercise 2.2: Make a table (a list of lists) of function values - Floating point PyBryt tolerance may not be sufficient
#79 opened by acse-jrn22 - 8
Issue with accessing jupyterhub
#76 opened by edsml-cc2823 - 3
3.8 - what does the assert error mean?
#75 opened by edsml-cc8915 - 1
Error importing pybryt
#74 opened by edsml-jm623 - 6
Using pybryt properly?
#64 opened by edsml-ger23 - 5
Exercise 3.9
#73 opened by acse-bg1223 - 2
exercise 2-11 vectorized function
#72 opened by gems-aan23 - 2
Exercise 3.4 AssertionError:
#71 opened by gems-ys723 - 6
- 5
exercise 1.18
#70 opened by edsml-cc8915 - 5
- 4
Exercise 2.10 question about pybryt
#68 opened by gems-ys723 - 0
Exercise 2.10 pybryt
#67 opened by gems-ys723 - 3
- 7
Question 2.11 in lecture 2
#62 opened by gems-rk23 - 1
Question 2.11 in Lecture 2
#61 opened by gems-rk23 - 1
Clarification of exercise 2.10
#63 opened by acse-bg1223 - 3
Errors in Exercise 2.10
#59 opened by edsml-sb3323 - 1
Exercise 2.2 - nested list incorrect
#60 opened by acse-bg1223 - 2
- 2
Confusion with Exercise 3.7
#57 opened by acse-ld823 - 3
- 1
pybryt not importing
#56 opened by acse-bg1223 - 9
Problem with opening notebook
#50 opened by edsml-cmc123 - 7
- 6
exercise 1.18
#51 opened by gems-rk23 - 3
- 7
Python Module Installation Issue
#52 opened by edsml-cg1123 - 3
Exercise 1.9 in lecture 1
#47 opened by gems-rk23 - 3
Problem with Exercise 2.8
#49 opened by acse-ld823 - 2
Exercise 1.9 for Lec1
#48 opened by acse-ld823 - 1
Issue with 3.9 Grader
#45 opened by edsml-gg917 - 3
JupyterHub instance won't start
#44 opened by acse-pms122 - 7
issues with exercise 1.18 bouncing ball
#39 opened by edsml-tx622 - 1
Reuse b as variable name in lecture 2(This will cause a problem, when the article finally uses ok.score() to judge all the problems, b = np.array([1, 2]). The actually correct code of question 2.10 which was judged to be correct before will still be judged wrong.)
#43 opened by ChenZijiSubset - 0
3.8 link to wrong file
#42 opened by acse-xq322 - 4
issue with exercise 4.1
#40 opened by MrD-Lt - 1
- 1
Solution for Exercise 4.1
#38 opened by gems-ok722