
Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Engage Backend

Dev Setup

To setup the development environment:

  1. Install redis https://redis.io/download
  • Make sure you use version 4.0.0

  • Compiling is very slow due to the testing suite.

    • if you use MacOS, use brew install redis

    • if ubuntu, use guide from digital ocean

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Set up a virtualenv and install all Python packages.

pip install virtualenv

virtualenv env -p /path/to/python3.6

source env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Setup Postgres and PgAdmin for your platform if needed. PgAdmin is a useful GUI database manager.
  • Make sure you are using postgres from major vrsion 10, not 11
  1. Create the counciltag database if it does not exist.

  2. Create a database user, give the user a password and grant the user permissions for counciltag.

  3. Add the following environment variables for the project. You'll need database info, django secret key and 'CouncilTag' to run the project in DEBUG mode.

  1. To run tests on the package set these environment variables:
POSTGRES_USER=<Some user with DB create rights or who owns $POSTGRES_DB>
POSTGRES_DB=<Some DB that already exists or that you have create rights for>
  1. Then, run python manage.py test -k
  • -k keeps the existing database and is not necessary if your user is granted create rights on the system
  1. If it's your first time setting up the dev environment, run the following commands. In this order, these commands will 1) create the SQL tables needed, 2) load our list of tags, 3) scrape live data from the City of Santa Monica.

python manage.py migrate

python manage.py populate_tags

python manage.py scrape_data

  1. Then edit CouncilTags/urls.py to switch to localhost.
# url="https://backend.engage.town/api",
  1. (optional) If you want to scrape agendas nightly for a committee you must start the celery beat worker. My recommendation is to output the errors and logs to a text file like beats.tst

celery -A CouncilTag beat -l debug > beat.tst 2>&1 &

  1. (optional) If you want to process the PDFs for upcoming committee meetings you must start the celery worker. My recommendation is to output the errors and logs to a text file like worker.tst

celery -A CouncilTag worker -l debug > worker.tst 2>&1 &

  1. Finally, start the server.

python manage.py runserver

You can go to http://localhost:8000/swagger/ to look at the docs and interact with the API.

  1. Alternatively use Docker
  • We have included a docker-compose.yml so that you can edit this repository and run the backend without having to configure all the requirements. To build the combined images required for the repository run: docker-compose build

  • If you are testing the frontend against the docker backend then you should uncomment line 8 from runservices.sh to download agendas for 2018 (You can add, change, or remove years on that line. Years should be separated by a comma. Be patient, web scraping from the Santa Monica site is incredibly slow.)

  • Once built, you can run the repository's configuration with docker-compose up

  • Navigate to https://localhost:8000/swagger/ to test

Continous Delivery

We have setup continous integration and deployment on CircleCI.

When you push to the master branch on this repo, this will trigger a build on the server and also run the Django test suite. If the tests fail, the build will not go through.