
Datasets about LA streets

Primary LanguagePython


Datasets about LA streets

OSM_BSS_AND_PPD.geojson Intersection of Preferential Parking Districts and BSS street sweeping routes OSM_BSS_NOT_PPD.geojson BSS sweeping routes that do not overlap PPDs Both geojson files contain the following:

Street sweeping rules for each street.

	Road Names
	Route Numbers
	Sweeping Times
	LineStrings for coordinaties

ParserForStreetSweeping.py Parser for Street Sweeping Routes... input: Non-uniformly formatted csv from BSS data on data.lacity.gov

ConvertStreetMapToTwoStreets.py Converter for OSM_BSS_* Files to geojson files containing two streets for every street (user configurable to restrict to specified types of streets from OSM) input above geojson files output: set of two street lines projected d distance away from initial OSM street lines

Caution: CRS84 projections are from QGIS and do not overlay perfectly on coordinates for streets that Google maps uses.