
An infrastructure bundle enables functions-as-a-service execution on your newly created or existing kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🧱 hex-platform

What is this?

This repository consists of Hex-Platform's "infrastructure as code" definitions.

Hex-Platform is simply a bundle consists of components, which are configured to work together, in order to enable functions-as-a-service execution on your newly created or existing kubernetes cluster.

Hex-Platform utilizes terraform to apply its installation/configuration to target kubernetes cluster.


  • Terraform
  • Ambassador Edge Stack (north-south)
  • Prometheus (metrics server)
  • Linkerd (service mesh)
    • Grafana
    • Jaeger
  • Knative

Quick start

Ensure that curl, kubectl and terraform is installed on your system first.

Clone this git repo git clone https://github.com/eserozvataf/hex-platform.git - and checkout the tagged release you'd like to use.

Then run the command below,

$ ./bin/installer

Ambassador Edge Stack Dashboard

Download edgectl first, and then:

$ edgectl login --namespace=ambassador --context=docker-desktop localhost

Linkerd Dashboard

Download linkerd first, and then:

$ linkerd dashboard --context docker-desktop

Knative FaaS Sample

Deploy the helloworld knative application container:

$ kubectl apply -f etc/knative-faas-sample/helloworld-service.yml

Then forward the port and make a request:

$ kubectl port-forward -n ambassador svc/ambassador 80
$ curl -k -H "Host: helloworld.default.example.com" https://localhost

Todo List

See GitHub Projects for more.



Apache 2.0, for further details, please see LICENSE file.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

It is publicly open for any contribution. Bugfixes, new features and extra modules are welcome.

  • To contribute to code: Fork the repo, push your changes to your fork, and submit a pull request.
  • To report a bug: If something does not work, please report it using GitHub Issues.

To Support

Visit my patreon profile at patreon.com/eserozvataf