
A great tool for Pentester | Spider-Black

Primary LanguagePython


  • A powerful and useful tool for web hacking enthusiasts

Screenshot in Windows


[+] Grab .spider + Debug 
[+] Aws key generator(awskey|secretkey|region)
[+] Grab .spider + Debug (Auto Scan)  
[+] Laravel IP Range Scan  
[+] Option 2 + Auto reverse ip 
[+] Laravel IP Range Scan + Auto Scan with option 3 
[+] Option 2 + Multiple path [with path.ini] 
[+] Website To IP + Option 3
[+] Website To IP Only          
[+] Reverse IP
[+] Scan Laravel and save as IP List 
[+] DORK/KEYWORD + Option 2  
[+] Option 18 + scan spider.save 
[+] MASS IP RANGE SCAN + Option 2 
[+] Mass Shell Uploader 
[+] Remove duplicate list   
[+] Grab And Auto Check Valid phpmyadmin Logins  
[+] Check Limit Aws Key + Email List 
[+] CMS Checker 
[+] NEXMO Balance Checker 
[+] Mass Crack aws panel(awskey|secretkey|region)    
[+] Twillio sender
[+] Change Format Of SMTPS for Checker
[+] Sendgrid apikey checker
[+] sendgrid apikey generator
[+] Shells Uploader Mini 
[+] WooCommerce Plugin Checker From wordpress logins

prerequisites :

  • python3 (Modules used)
  • Perl


git clone https://github.com/esfelurm/Spider-Black
cd Spider-Black
pip install -r requirements.txt
python spider-black.py

For a better installation, type pip install -r requirements.txt after entering the directory to install the modules. If you don't want it or if you have problems, the black spider will automatically install the prerequisites

screenshot in Linux

Channel Telegram : @esfelurm