
A CLI to save me some minutes when creating a flutter project :D

Primary LanguagePython

ezCLI - The solution to your problems 🔧

A CLI to save me some minutes when creating a flutter project :D

How to use ❓

This was adapted to both Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems, so anyone using it should be fine.

Once you get the project up and running, you need the edit the text in the variable named "ezcliPath" and set the place where the folder is.

After that just run python3 ezcli.py

Things to have in mind ⚠️

  • You have to have ezcli.py in the same folder of the .dart files;
  • When you are writting the path where you want to create the project, make sure you write something like this: /bla/bla/bla/ ( you need to end up with a / or a \ );
  • If you are not careful enought and runnign the script with root, you can end up deleting sensible files.

How to contribute? 📤

I'm a cool guy :D

Just fork the project, make your changes, write some good comments and make a pull request with your amazing features. But I don't promise I will actually implement them!

Or you can just help with this messy documentation, if you want