University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School LaTeX Dissertation Template (unofficial)

(Last Updated: February 2023)

This unofficial University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School dissertation template in LaTeX is based on the work of Derek J. Dalle, but has been updated to reflect Rackham's requirements as of May, 2021. The template will likely fall out of sync with Rackham requirements at future times, but we'll do our best to keep it up to date with your help! Please feel free to clone it and fill it with your own work!

This template was downloaded in September 2022 from Overleaf and was most recently updated in Febrary 2023 by Evan Gonzalez to more closely match the dissertation style of Joel Kulesza. Joel has a Lyx template on his github account, but for those of us that aren't fluent in Lyx, this template gets us pretty close. Joel's original dissertation was 1.5 spaced but this template has been changed to double space. This paramter can be changed on line 1504 of thesis-umich.cls.

The easiest ways to use it is by using the corresponding Overleaf Template by clicking "Open as Template." Otherwise, you can download the files to your computer and upload them to or compile locally if you prefer. If you have a paid or group membership on Overleaf, you can import your cloned version directly, although it's less-direct than the title would suggest.

Big thanks also to Suzanne Chou, Shreyas Kousik, Suhak Lee, Samuel Hansen, Tian Gu, and Chu Chen for your contributions!

If you're interested in helping us make this the best it can be, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're always happy to discuss ways to improve the template.