Flask is a so-called web application framework. In turn flask uses WSGI (The Python Web Server Gateway Interface) to serve webpages. WSGI is a python effort to have a web-serving standard, similar to CGI.
In order to make my webpage more responsive and have a little learning fun while doing it I decided to use Flask. Yet the other part is to make it responsive, so, for now I'm just gonna go with good old bootstrap.
To run in developer mode I have to do:
FLASK_DEBUG=1 FLASK_APP=settings.py flask run
Inspired by Cody Shafer at:
And Salvador Villalon at:
And there's also a nice intro to CS class with flask as example at:
Deploying has been even a greater challenge that migrating the website to flask and responsive with bootstrap.
These links sort of helped:
https://github.com/defshine/flaskblog/blob/master/wsgi_gunicorn.py https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-serve-flask-applications-with-gunicorn-and-nginx-on-ubuntu-18-04
I was having issues with nginx. I was using the card default_server in mesguerra.conf now, as it says so, this is a parameter to define the default_server, when there are many. So that was my mistake.
More battling. So, the issue with responsiveness was that the following meta card needed to be added.
Something really weird happened on wanting to restart supervisor and nginx when I made a change in the html of my website which is served by flask. supervisor died, so, I had to change mesguerra.conf slightly and do:
sudo supervisorctl reload
This worked, whereas:
sudo supervisorctl restart
Didn't. Some website told me to add this to the mesguerra.conf
startsecs = 0
Then for some reason even though in the virtualenv I was not able to install the requirements.txt, so, in the end it boiled down to precisely this:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
Needless to say that this was an unpleasant time sink.
conda create --prefix /Users/esguerra/develop/mesguerra.org python=3.10
conda activate /Users/esguerra/develop/mesguerra.org
pip install -r requirements.txt
FLASK_DEBUG=1 FLASK_APP=settings.py flask run