Production configuration for Protwis on linux servers using Puppet
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 7 (may need tweaks for other systems).
WARNING: Running this script changes the configuration of your system and may override important settings, DO NOT run this on a production server without proper testing in a container or virtual machine.
Debian based systems (Debian, Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get -y install git puppet
RedHat based systems (RedHat, CentOS, Fedora)
sudo yum -y install epel-release git
sudo yum -y install puppet
sudo mkdir /protwis
sudo chown $USER /protwis
cd /protwis
git clone sites/protwis
git clone --recursive conf
cd conf
sudo puppet apply --modulepath protwis_puppet_modules manifests/default.pp
Your server is now set up. If your server is exposed to the internet in any way, please apply the following changes in order the secure your server.
The default password for the PostgreSQL user "prowis" is "protwis". Choose a new password
psql -U protwis -h localhost protwis
Then update the password in /protwis/sites/protwis/protwis/
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'protwis',
'USER': 'protwis',
'HOST': 'localhost',
In /protwis/sites/protwis/protwis/
SECRET_KEY = 'a random key only you know'
In /protwis/sites/protwis/protwis/, change to allowed hosts to the hostname or IP address users will use to access the protwis instance. This could be a domain name like "" or an IP address like ""