Two-Factor Authentication Service

This implementation is a two-factor authentication service using Sinatra, providing an additional layer of security for user accounts. The service offers user registration, 2FA login, and account settings management.


User Registration

  • Users can create accounts by specifying their email and a secure password.
  • A confirmation email is sent during registration to verify the user's email address.

Two-Factor Authentication

  • After registration, users can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for their accounts.
  • To set up 2FA, users need to scan a provided QR code into their preferred authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator).
  • Users receive a secret key that allows them to recover their 2FA settings when needed.

Login with 2FA

  • When logging in, users initially enter their email and password as usual.
  • After successful email and password verification, users are prompted to enter a 2FA code from their authenticator app.
  • Access is granted only with a valid 2FA code.

Account Settings Management

  • Users can choose to disable 2FA.
  • They have the option to reset their 2FA settings and generate a new secret key.
  • Password changes are supported.
  • Users can review and update their account details.

Security Measures

  • User passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database to protect their data.
  • 2FA codes are generated and verified using industry-standard methods.
  • User data and settings are safeguarded, and users can recover their 2FA settings using their secret key.


The service is built with the Sinatra web framework and uses a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL) to securely store user information. The implementation adheres to established industry standards for password hashing and 2FA.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install gems using Bundler:

    bundle install
  3. Prepare the database for local testing:

    rake db:create
    rake db:migrate
  4. Run the application locally:

    foreman start
  5. Set up and run MailCatcher locally to capture emails:

    gem install mailcatcher

    Visit to view captured emails.

  6. Access the application in your browser using

  7. Run the RSpec tests:

    bundle exec rspec


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