Note: This is a WIP, but it works enough that you should give it a try if you're interested. Thanks!

Gatsby + Strapi Starter Project

A boilerplate setup for websites using the Gatsby React framework and Strapi CMS.

Also incudings instructions for deployment across a suite of free tools.



  • React front end = Gatsby
  • CSS = styled-components
  • CMS = Strapi
  • DB = MongoDB


  • Front end = Netlify
  • Back end = Heroku
  • DB = mLab
  • Email = Mailgun


  • Some simple components, custom hooks, and a CSS style guide file
  • Customized Strapi admin panel, including a Publish button that triggers a Netlify build
  • Contact form component that sends email via a custom "Contact Form" plugin on the Strapi server

Set up steps

  1. Install Node and MongoDB, and install Gatsby globally.

  2. Download this repo and create a new Git repo for it.

  3. Run npm install in the root and in the client directory.

  4. Open /config/environments/development/database.json and update connections.default.settings.database with whatever you want to call your db for your project.

  5. Start MongoDB.

  6. Run npm start in the root to start the Strapi server.

  7. Go to http://localhost:1337/admin.

  8. At this point you can refer to Strapi's documentation for getting started.

    Note that there is only one page component in the Gatsby front end and it has the following GraphQL query:

    query {
        allStrapiRestaurant {
        edges {
            node {

    If you want to do a quick test to ensure Gatsby is pulling data from the CMS, create a content type in Strapi called Restaurant and add name and description text fields to it. Add a couple restaurants. You can then cd client and run gatsby develop. You should see the restaurants listed on the page.


    • Global styles variables are included here and can be imported as needed: client/src/utils/styles.js.
    • Global styles are here: client/gatsby-browser.js.
    • Customizations have been made to the default Strapi admin panel here: /admin.
    • Strapi users can trigger a Gatsby build on Netfliy via the button on the home page of the admin panel.

Deployment steps


  1. Go to and create a db. Make sure to create a user for the db.

  2. Go to Heroku and create a new app.

  3. Go into the app's settings and set the following config vars:


    Use values from your mLab db for the DATABASE_x values.

  4. If you plan to use the Contact Form component, create a Mailgun account, and create a sandbox domain.

    Add these these config vars:

    • TRANSPORTER_EMAIL - email address from the Mailgun sandbox account
    • TRANSPORTER_EMAIL_PW - password from the Mailgun sandbox account
    • OWNER_EMAIL - email address that you want the contact form to send to

    Also add the OWNER_EMAIL value to the list of authorized recipients in Mailgun.

  5. Deploy your code to Heroku.

  6. Author some content like you did on your local Strapi instance. Don't forget to add public read (find / findone) permissions to your CMS in the Roles and Permissions section. If you're going to use the Contact Form component, you will also need to add public permissions to the "contact-form" plugin endpoint.


  1. Go to Netlify.
  2. Create a new site from Git and use the following values during setup:
    • Build command: npm run build
    • Publish directory: public
    • Environment variables:
      • API_URL - included url of your Heroku app.
      • NODE_VERSION - this is optional, but if you run into build issues, it could be due to incompatibility between Netlify's Node version and what you need for the libraries.
  3. When you're done, your site will start deploying, but it will fail.
  4. Go to Deploys > Build Settings and set the base directory to client. This will effectively change the publish directory to client/public.
  5. On the same page, find the Build Hooks section and click Add build hook. Copy the build hook url and paste it in the buildHook value of the config object at the top of admin/src/containers/HomePage/index.js.
  6. Deploy again and you should be up and running. Also test the Publish now button in the Strapi admin panel to confirm it triggers a build in Netlify.

