
Simple nixie clock based on ATMega861 microcontroller

Primary LanguageC


Simple nixie clock based on ATMega861 microcontroller


ExpressPCB layout for MCU/Driver board with ATTiny861A driving 4 IN-2B nixies.


KiCAD design for a two-digit nixie mounting/breakout board


C code for ATTiny861A to drive the clock display


Very simple NTP client to get the time via WiFi and send to the ATTiny


Thinking of building one for the Kitchen. Instead of ESP8622, thinking of one of many DS3231 I2C RTC modules. This could use the header wires now used for the ESP.

For power, Triad FD4-10 has a dual 115V primary and 10VCT secondary. Use a full-wave rectifier or bridge plus 7805 for 5V and the second primary to generate the HV. Also need a fuse/holder.


On power-up/reboot, the ESP module transmits a blast of serial stuff at a high bit rate. This crashes the AVR code. There's a 30 sec timer which runs before enabling serial, but apparently the power-up reset of the ESP sometimes fails. So for now a reliable power-up procedure:

  • Apply AC power
  • Press the reset button on the ESP fairly promptly

Then after 30s timeout things should come up OK. I'd try to fix this but can't easily locate my programming adapter for the AVR.