
VGA display terminal for RC2014 and other applications

Primary LanguageVHDLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


VGA display terminal for RC2014 and other applications

The design goal here is to provide a VGA resolution terminal (640x480) at the standard 25.175MHz dot clock rate. Input would be a serial port at up to 115200 baud, with ANSI escape sequence processing and perhaps eventually a graphics mode with Tek40xx or DEC REGIS graphics. The target hardware is the Digilent CMOD-A7 with an Artix FPGA and 512kB of asynchronous SRAM.

The text display will be prototyped on a Basys-3 evaluation board and use only block RAM onboard the FPGA for text display.

Currently a basic terminal with CR/LF and no scrolling is working. See terminal.psm.

To Do:

  • Cursor (block, reverse video)
  • Scrolling
  • Basic ANSI cursor positioning and editing sequences, enough for WS and VEDIT
  • The first few SGRs


  • Support for 8x8 font with 60 line mode (and some escape sequence to switch)
  • Graphics
  • Keyboard baud rate translator