
Movie classification by plot text

Primary LanguagePython


Movie genre classification by plot text.


Classifies movies into genres according to plot summary texts.

A movie classifier (e.g. NaiveBayesClassifier), once trained, estimates the most-likely genres a movie belongs to, according to past examples.


We implement supervised-learning techniques for multi-category classification of a document verses the the training corpus results. We assume positional independence between the words of a single document (leading to a "bag of words" representation), and independence between the categories (each category is evaluated independently for each document).

Feature Extraction

Movie Data: Each movie is stored in a JSON entry containing fields: 'name', 'genres', 'year' and 'plot'. We extract features only from the 'plot' field. Each feature (term) is defined as a unigram (word) which is longer than K characters. Each movie is stored into a Movie class (which inherits from Document). We only use the 'genres' and 'plot' fields in later methods ('name' is used for convenience methods only).

Document Features Representation: Each Document implements a "bag of words" representation of the original text: for each term in the document we remember the number of times it has appeared.

Document Corpus: We aggregate multiple Documents into a DocumentCorpus. For each term, the document corpus stores the number of times it has appeared in the entire corpus (term_freq), the number of documents it has appeared in (doc_freq), and the total count of terms and documents it represents. Aggregating data into document corpuses allows us to represent a training set more as a sparse vector.

Category Corpuses: We store a document corpus as described above for each category (genre), and for all the categories combined (the "universe"). Using the data in these corpuses, we perform classification and training. This data is encapsulated inside the MultiCategoryCorpus class.


Our problem allows each movie to be classified into multiple genres. We choose to implement this by evaluating multiple binary classifiers, one for each

We perform the classification using the naive bayes method. We create a "weight" for each document in respect to the evaluated category, which is calculted using the bayes model: P(c|d) = P(c) * P(d|c) / p(d).

The probability P(c|d) is evaluated according to a threshold which was found during the training procedure. In order to avoid underflows, the calculation of the above formula is done by summing logarithms (instead of multiplying many small floating point numbers). The implementation of this calculation is found inside NaiveBayesClassifier.document_weight(...).


The objective of the training is to find a threshold T for each category. Category predictions of weight larger than T are considered to be positive (belongs to the category), otherwise they are considered to be negative (not in the category).

The threshold calculation is done inside the MultiCategoryClassifier.train() method. The procedure is to re-classify each document in the training set (after collecting all the MultiCategoryCorpus data), and evaluate the results using the ClassificationStats utility class. The threshold value assigned for each category T(c) is assigned according to the maximum weight in all false positive (FP) guesses in the training corpus. Clearly this method requires improvement.


Testing is done by classifying each document in a test set according to the trained classifier. The actual categories (observed) are compared with the classified decisions (predicted) via the ClassificationStats utility class, which collects statistics and metrics on the classification results (described below).

Classification Metrics

The following metrics are currently evaluated per-category:

  • True Positives Count: TP
  • True Negatives Count: TN
  • False Positives Count: FP
  • False Negatives Count: FN
  • Precision: PREC = TP / (TP + FP)
  • Recall: RCL = TP / (TP + FN)
  • Accuracy: ACC = (TP+TN) / (TP+FP+TN+FN)

Further defintions of these metrics is available at the relevant wikipedia article.


The program is not designed to work from command-line at the moment, but its various components may be used by importing in python. An example of a complete test loop (load, train, test) is provided in movies.test(...).

Load movie data

from movies import load_all_movies
movie_lists = load_all_movies(movie_files=['train.json', 'test.json'])
training_movies = movie_lists[0]
test_movies = movie_lists[1]

Build a MultiCategoryCorpus from movies

from text_classification import MultiCategoryCorpus
corpus = MultiCategoryCorpus.build(mtrain)

Create and train a NaiveBayesClassifier

from text_classification import NaiveBayesClassifier
classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(corpus)
stats = classifier.train(training_movies)

Test classifier on list of movies

stats = classifier.test(test_movies)


  • Python 2.7+
  • No libraries are required

Optional Modifications

  • Any NLTK stemmer from nltk.stem may replace text_extraction.Stemmer (via the stem(word) method)
  • NLTK Stopwords from nltk.corpus.stopwords may be used to initialize the stopwords list in text_extraction.UnigramCounter.

Software Design

The following list describes the module structure inside the library, and the prime classes inside each of them:

  • text_extraction.py: Text feature extraction logic.
    • Stemmer interface: for text stemming, compatible with nltk.stem's stem(word) method.
    • TextExtractor interface: parses a text block and returns a histogram (count of terms appearances in the text).
    • UnigramCounter class: implements TextExtractor. Splits a text block into unigrams (words). Supports stopwords filtering, stemming and minimal word length.
  • text_classification.py: Text classification logic.
    • Document class: bag-of-words representation of a document (i.e. movie data).
    • DocumentCorpus class: aggregates metrics over many Document classes.
    • MultiCategoryCorpus class: aggregates metrics of many categories using DocumentCorpus classes.
    • MultiCategoryClassifier class: base class for multiple category classification.
    • NaiveBayesClassifier class: concrete implementation of MultiCategoryClassifier, implementing the naive bayes technique described previously in this document.
    • ClassificationStats class: utility to store and display statistics about the classification of many movies, according to the metrics described previously in this document.
  • utils.py:
    • PickleCache class: base class for seamless persistent storage of objects to disk using pickle. Concrete classes must implement the load_object method, which parses the original file format into a python object.
    • random_json_file_subset function: can be used to create a random movie subsets out of training or test files.
  • movies.py: Wrappers and methods for working with movies (not just generic 'documents'). Responsible for data parsing and I/O.
    • Movie class: wraps Document and provides convenience and I/O methods specific to movies and our datasets.
    • MovieCache class: concrete implementation of PickleCache for Movie lists.

Evaluation on given datasets

Test Results

Here are the raw results for NaiveBayesClassifier.test() when trained on the full training corpus (movies_train.json) and tested against the full test corpus (movies_test.json):

CATEGORY             |   PREC |    RCL |    ACC |  #POS |    TP |    TN |    FP |    FN |
drama: 40.59%        |  39.6% |  14.6% |  56.3% |   457 |    67 |   567 |   102 |   390 |
short: 32.24%        |  39.3% |  70.5% |  55.5% |   363 |   256 |   369 |   394 |   107 |
comedy: 27.80%       |  29.2% |  61.0% |  48.2% |   313 |   191 |   352 |   461 |   122 |
documentary: 14.30%  |  13.6% |  53.4% |  44.8% |   161 |    86 |   419 |   546 |    75 |
romance: 10.66%      |   9.3% |  49.1% |  43.5% |   120 |    59 |   431 |   575 |    61 |
action: 9.50%        |   8.8% |  52.3% |  44.4% |   107 |    56 |   445 |   574 |    51 |
thriller: 8.53%      |   7.6% |  50.0% |  44.0% |    96 |    48 |   448 |   582 |    48 |
crime: 7.02%         |   5.7% |  45.5% |  44.0% |    79 |    36 |   460 |   587 |    43 |
family: 6.84%        |   5.2% |  41.5% |  44.7% |    77 |    32 |   472 |   577 |    45 |
adventure: 6.13%     |   5.0% |  44.9% |  45.1% |    69 |    31 |   477 |   580 |    38 |
mystery: 5.86%       |   4.8% |  43.9% |  46.2% |    66 |    29 |   492 |   568 |    37 |
animation: 5.42%     |   6.7% |  65.5% |  48.6% |    61 |    40 |   508 |   557 |    21 |
horror: 5.42%        |   5.0% |  49.1% |  46.6% |    61 |    30 |   495 |   570 |    31 |
fantasy: 4.62%       |   4.5% |  51.9% |  47.3% |    52 |    27 |   506 |   568 |    25 |
war: 3.73%           |   3.4% |  47.6% |  49.0% |    42 |    20 |   532 |   552 |    22 |
sci-fi: 3.64%        |   3.8% |  56.0% |  47.9% |    41 |    23 |   517 |   568 |    18 |
western: 3.29%       |   3.2% |  51.3% |  47.6% |    37 |    19 |   517 |   572 |    18 |
history: 3.20%       |   3.5% |  55.5% |  50.1% |    36 |    20 |   545 |   545 |    16 |
musical: 2.84%       |   2.6% |  46.8% |  48.7% |    32 |    15 |   534 |   560 |    17 |
music: 2.75%         |   2.6% |  48.3% |  49.0% |    31 |    15 |   537 |   558 |    16 |
sport: 1.24%         |   1.5% |  57.1% |  53.1% |    14 |     8 |   590 |   522 |     6 |
news: 0.71%          |   0.2% |  12.5% |  60.4% |     8 |     1 |   680 |   438 |     7 |
film-noir: 0.53%     |   0.5% |  33.3% |  66.7% |     6 |     2 |   750 |   370 |     4 |
adult: 0.27%         |   0.0% |   0.0% |  66.6% |     3 |     0 |   750 |   373 |     3 |
lifestyle: 0.00%     |   0.0% |   0.0% |  73.7% |     0 |     0 |   830 |   296 |     0 |
TOTAL: 100.00%       |  21.3% |  47.6% |  49.8% |  2332 |  1111 | 13223 | 12595 |  1221 |

Suggested Improvements

Algorithmic / Classification

  • Improve current training method and threshold inferrance
  • Convert "document weight scores" into per-category probabilities in range [-1,1], where -1 indicates 100% negative certainty, and +1 indicates 100% positive certainty. This can possibly be achieved using a sigmoid function around the threshold value for the category.
  • Handle variance in per-genre corpus sizes
  • Experiment with other classification methods and metrics (TF-IDF, SVM, etc)
  • Improved text cleanup (dimensionality reduction) using stopwords and stemming
  • Movie-specific optimizations to corpus and classifier (manually tweak weights of words and categories according to data).
  • Experiment with NGram terms (e.g. Bigrams and Trigrams in addition to Unigrams). Employing NGram terms might give us higher quality data, such as actor names, locations, etc.


  • Training while loading the data: will allow the program to go over the training file just once, and work fully with generators without keeping all the movies in memory at once.
  • Corpus and Classifier pickling/caching
  • Use standard implementations for learning and language processing.Specifically "scikit-learn" and "nltk"
  • Parallelize training/building procedures (e.g. using multiple threads/processes)


  • Full-bown command-line interface using argparse.
  • Visualizations using mathplotlib or similar.