
Integration for phabricator-circleci

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phabricator-circleci Circle CI Docker Repository on Quay

integration of phabricator and circleci

How this works

  1. Users run arc diff
  2. Phabricator uploads their change to the staging area
  3. Herald triggers a harbormaster build
    1. Harbormaster does a POST to Lambda, which puts a msg on SQS
  4. This code picks up that message
    1. The staging area is moved from a tag to a branch
    2. A build is triggered in CircleCI for this branch
    3. The diff is updated that the build is happening
  5. CircleCI finishes the build and executes the notify step
    1. Notify step does a POST to Lambda which puts a msg on SQS
  6. This code picks up that message
    1. The staging area branch/tag is deleted
    2. Harbormaster is updated with the build results
    3. The diff is updated with the build results.

How to run

The easiest way to run this is via the docker image listed above. It will require the following env variables when run:

Variable Description
SQS_REGION The region in AWS that your SQS queue is located in
BUILD_VERBOSE If 1, will enable verbose logging
SQS_QUEUE The AWS location of your SQS queue
BUILD_VERBOSE_FILE Where to output your logs
PHAB_API_TOKEN Phabricator API token
CIRCLECI_TOKEN Token to talk to CircleCI
PHAB_URL URL of phabricator to post build results

Example env may look like this:

'SQS_REGION': 'us-east-1',
'SQS_QUEUE': 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/111111111/some_name',
'BUILD_VERBOSE_FILE': '/var/log/buildtrigger/buildtrigger.log.json',
'PHAB_URL': 'http://myphab.mycompany.org',

This code will also attempt to clean up branches in the phabricator staging area that are no longer needed. To do this, it will probably need SSH access to the staging area git repository. We do this by cross mounting a /root/.ssh for this docker image with a directory that contains a SSH key that allows read/write access to only our staging area.

Configure Phabricator to trigger the build

Configure harbormaster to understand builds

We use SQS as our way to communicate between phabricator and this circleci integration. To enable this communication, setup a harbormaster build step in phabricator. It should post to a URL that can accept the build trigger and should contain in the URL information similar to the following:


Configure Herald to trigger a build

Herald will then trigger the build on a push. Inside herald, create a condition that runs the build plan setup above whenever the repository is any repository you want to watch.

Configure Diffusion to use a staging area

Inside phabricator's diffusion, setup a staging area for youru application. I generally have all applications share the same staging area.

Allow docker image to push to staging repository

To allow this docker image to push to a staging repository, you can cross mount /root/.ssh inside the docker image to some directory on your running server that has a ssh key that can push to the staging repository.

Configure AWS lambda to store a SQS message

To do this create a lambda function similar to the following:

import json
import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    msg = json.dumps(event)
    sqs = boto3.resource('sqs')
    queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName='your_queue_name')
    response = queue.send_message(MessageBody=msg)
    return response

You'll want to expose this on an API endpoint. This API endpoint will be used by phabricator to trigger builds as well as CircleCI to signal a build is done.

I expose this endpoint via the API gateway. Forward the query strings diff, revision, auth, and phid. And map the content types application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded to code like the following:

#set($params = $input.params())
    "formparams" : $input.json('$'),
    "allParamsJson" : {
    #foreach($type in $params.keySet())
    "$type" : {
            #foreach($paramName in $params.get($type).keySet())
                "$paramName" : "$util.escapeJavaScript($params.get($type).get($paramName))"

Configure circle.yml to notify SQS (via lambda) when a build is done

This will be a final notify hook in your circle.yml file like the following:

    - url: https://xyzabcdefg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/xyzabc