- absognetySkypoint Cloud
- abunickabhi@tifr
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- ansonwen93
- arvindb95Indian Institute of Astrophysics,
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- bbw7561135Yunnan University
- bnord@deepskies
- commiyou
- devprogetc
- dr-rodriguez@STScIMAST
- fanxuliang
- FerdinandZhongSingapore
- gimpeller
- heblChina-VO, National Astronomical Observatories, China
- henrysting
- HguimaraesMontreal, CA
- ismael-mendozaUniversity of Michigan
- jacobic
- jmccull
- juliotuxCEFET-RJ
- lqleeqee
- maxgillettSan Francisco
- maxiaoniuUTDallas
- mcclearyj
- mktg
- mrawls@lsst @lsst-dm @dirac-institute @iausathub
- pboleyMax Planck Institute for Astronomy
- repo-gardener
- rprollinsJodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics
- Russell-Jones-OxPhysUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics
- tobias-liaudatCEA Saclay
- trmwzmgood
- zhang-zhixiangXiamen University
- zhouconghaoUC Santa Cruz